HYIP Monitoring Search of New HYIPs

Spectrum5 Project Details

Investment plans: 9% daily for 12 days | 5.4% daily for 25 days | 3.1% daily for 50 days


Our deposit: $300.00

Payout ratio: 7%

Last paid: Nov 27th, 2015

Minimal spend: $25

Maximal spend: $100,000

Referral bonus: 4%

Support: -

Withdrawal: Instant

Interest charge: Working days

Principal return: Included in earnings

Worked: 13 days

Monitored: 6 days

Users voting: No votes

Minimum withdrawal: not provided, you can explore website of investment program for details
Spectrum5 is the name of our professional investment institution. Portfolio investment makes it possible to plan, evaluate and control the eventual results of all investment activities! Backed up by Forex market trading and investing in various funds and activities, Spectrum5 will give you the best profit and accompanied by the highest safety for you. Our portfolio are diversified between foreign currency exchange markets, stock exchange and some emerging market bonds.

Payment systems: PaymentAdvanced Cash | PaymentBitcoin | PaymentOKPAY | PaymentPayeer | PaymentPerfect Money

Hyip features: FeatureStrong DDoS protection | FeatureSSL encryption | FeatureLicensed GC script | FeatureUnique design | FeatureRegistered company

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