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GM-invest Project Details

Investment plans: 0.17% - 0.21% hourly for 600 - 960 hours


Our deposit: $30.00

Payout ratio: 15%

Last paid: Jan 20th, 2016

Minimal spend: $5

Maximal spend: $1,000

Referral bonus: 5%

Support: -

Withdrawal: Manual

Interest charge: Working days

Principal return: Yes, after expiration

Worked: 10 days

Monitored: 10 days

Users voting: 5 / 5

Minimum withdrawal: not provided, you can explore website of investment program for details
Description (machine translation):
Our company operates gm-invest in several ways: 1) It is trading in Forex, namely trade in the currency pair usd / eur. 2) Purchase of projects under construction commercial real estate abroad and subsequent sale (UK, Netherlands). For the further development of our business required cash investment. For this reason, our company took the creation of this project. It means we are planning on temporary injections to increase our investment and give the company a new life together with you to a new level. But what you get from this? With gminves you get a bigger profit than in the standard bank. Many know that interest rates in banks envy the economic welfare of the state and financial policies of the Central Bank. The Russian banks interest on deposits is much lower than, for example, in the UK. Our company also does not have clearly defined boundaries, we do business in the Internet environment, and in many European countries. Therefore, our interest rates are higher than in the standard bannkah. And we will seek a capital increase gminvest? It's very simple - by trading in financial markets and our cash your investments and further deposits into foreign real estate. More vyskokaya profits will be achieved through currency trading (pair usd / eur) and the more the currency is, the more profit can rescue our traders. More contributions - more profit! This is the main policy of our company gm invset!

Payment systems: PaymentPayeer | PaymentPerfect Money

Hyip features: FeatureSSL encryption | FeatureOnline chat

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