HYIP Monitoring Search of New HYIPs

Bobbo Company Project Details

Investment plans: 3.3% - 6.6% daily forever | 449% after 45 days


Our deposit: $50.00

Payout ratio: 69%

Last paid: Sep 13th, 2023

Minimal spend: $1

Maximal spend: $150,000

Referral bonus: 5-12%, 1-2%, 1%*

Support: -

Withdrawal: Instant

Interest charge: Calendar days

Principal return: Included in earnings

Worked: 27 days

Monitored: 25 days

Users voting: No votes

Minimum withdrawal: $1 - NixMoney, ePayCore; $10 - Tether, Binance USD; 0,0015 btc; 0,015 eth; 0,1 ltc; 50 trx; 50 doge; 0,1 bnb; 5 matic; 500 000 shib; 0,25 dash; 0,1 bch;
Bobbo Company is a global financial services provider specializing in cryptocurrency CFDs and trading various stocks. Our platform, suitable for novice investors and professionals, offers a secure, efficient and intuitive working environment We are committed to democratizing trading access and providing our users with the knowledge they need. Our comprehensive educational resources aim to empower traders by supporting informed decision making. Combining earning potential with a wealth of trading experience, Bobbo Company is a trusted partner in the world of digital assets and global trading. Join us at Bobbo Company to unlock the potential of the global financial markets and maximize your capital and gain invaluable experience with a great company.

Payment systems: PaymentTether ERC20 | PaymentTether TRC20 | PaymentTether BEP20 | PaymentBNB.BSC | PaymentBitcoin | PaymentBitcoin Cash | PaymentLitecoin | PaymentEthereum | PaymentDogecoin | PaymentDash | PaymentTron | PaymentShiba Inu | PaymentNixMoney | PaymentBank Wire

Hyip features: FeatureStrong DDoS protection | FeatureSSL encryption | FeatureUnique design | FeatureUnique script | FeatureRegistered company

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