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Master12 Project Details

Investment plans: 12% daily for 12 days


Our deposit: $200.00

Payout ratio: 1%

Last paid: Feb 5th, 2024

Minimal spend: $20

Maximal spend: No limit

Referral bonus: 5%, 2%, 1%*

Support: -

Withdrawal: Manual

Interest charge: Calendar days

Principal return: Included in earnings

Worked: 6 days

Monitored: 5 days

Users voting: No votes

Minimum withdrawal: 0.00025 btc, 0.0045 eth, 0.14 ltc, 110 doge, 16 xrp, 0.05 bnb, 100 trx, 10 usdt(bep20), 10 usdt(trc20), 10 usdt(erc20)
Welcome to the master12 platform, where financial expertise meets innovative and diverse investments in the world of digital currency. We have created a trading platform with advanced algorithms and technology that operates in the digital currency market and has the potential to generate significant returns of 12% daily for users. The program's focus has always been to share a high level of returns while keeping the platform financially sustainable for the long term. And the important thing is that this program pays fast and stable income of 12% daily with principal in 12 days and creates a suitable and perfect investment cycle for everyone. MASTER12: become a part of the cryptocurrency world!

Payment systems: PaymentTether TRC20 | PaymentBNB.BSC | PaymentBitcoin | PaymentLitecoin | PaymentEthereum | PaymentDogecoin | PaymentTron

Hyip features: FeatureStrong DDoS protection | FeatureSSL encryption | FeatureH-Script | FeatureUnique design | FeatureOnline chat

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